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MesajScris: Sâm Mar 01, 2014 7:46 am 

Membru din: Mie Sep 15, 2010 11:06 am
Mesaje: 556
Vasilis ManassakisPromoter of European Projects of Secondary Education in Crete

Dear colleagues,

A new Partner Search Database, according to the new guidelines of the Erasmus+ programme has published today at the address
It is a web application designed to assist organisations, looking for partners and projects according to the Erasmus+ programme, and is open to any organisation from the countries participating in the programme.

In order to enter your project details on the Partner Search Database, you are required to register your organisation details. The registered details will be accessed by potential partners so that they can contact you by email. After registration you will receive an e-mail
confirmation including your username and password. Every user can edit their own account details, as well as projects’ details. In order to achieve this, you have to enter your login and
password given to you during the registration. A user is permitted to enter more than one Erasmus+ projects. Also it is possible to disable a project so that it won’t appear on search result contacted by other users.
All users (without registration) are able to search for potential partners for Erasmus+ projects. The search criteria allows you to find a list of partners and projects according to your needs.

In the future extra features will be incorporated, such as automatic updates of new registrations, information lists, etc.
Best wishes for creative EU projects
Vasilis Manassakis

Coordinator of the European projects of secondary education in the region of Crete ... rogrammes/

Vasilis Manassakis

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