Forum ISJ Arad

Invitatie de colaborare initiativa europeana antreprenoriat
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Autor:  lupei [ Vin Feb 14, 2014 6:21 pm ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Invitatie de colaborare initiativa europeana antreprenoriat

Dear Mrs. / Mr.,

We recently launched the Open Education Challenge under the patronage of European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou and as part of Startup Europe.

The Open Education Challenge gives educational practitioners and innovators who are passionate about education a new opportunity to create, develop, strengthen and fund their start-up in Europe. It directly responds to the objectives of the “Opening up Education” initiative. We have gathered some of the most distinguished European experts in the field of education, technology and entrepreneurship to support the selected entrepreneurs and help them design their projects.

We believe that this initiative may be of interest for several of your school and university teachers, researchers or aspiring entrepreneurs that participate in any of the European programmes for education.

Applications to the Open Education Challenge will be accepted until March 17, 2014.

Would you be willing to promote this initiative through your communication channels? We are at your disposal to provide any additional information you may need.

Best regards,

Sabine Schumann
OEC Management team

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