Forum ISJ Arad

Un nou portal al Comisiei Europene
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Autor:  lupei [ Dum Feb 09, 2014 11:12 am ]
Subiectul mesajului:  Un nou portal al Comisiei Europene

Stimati colegi,

Comisia Europeana a lansat un nou portal de resurse educationale deschise, pe care va invit sa-l folositi din plin!
Un fragment din mesajul de lansare gasiti mai jos:

"Thus the Opening up Education initiative aims at promoting innovative teaching and learning for all through new technologies and Open Educational Resources. More information is available on our web site under Strategic Framework - New Education Technologies: ... nology.htm .
Alongside with the adoption of the initiative the EC has launched the Open Education Europa Portal to increase the visibility of high quality OER produced in Europe in several languages. It will be the gateway to European innovative learning. The portal, in the 24 official EU languages, is an online meeting place for learners, practitioners and educational institutions to access and share high-quality open educational resources produced in Europe. It will allow citizens to find resources in their original languages. The Commission invites European educational institutions to take advantages of this portal by linking to it to promote their own educational resources and practices. It connects with other related portals and platforms, such as Study Portals and e-twinning.

Concerning the current Call for proposals under Erasmus+ it is important for NA’s to keep in mind:

1. E+ includes (for the first time) an Open Access Requirement. This means that all educational resources produced by projects should be freely accessible through open licences (Programme Guide page 12). Project beneficiaries may be requested to demonstrate how they have ensured the application of such requirement, prior to approval of their reports.
2. Contrary to previous programmes, E+ does not include a specific action concerning ICT in education. On the contrary this has become a transversal priority for the entire programme. "

Cu stima,
Anca Lupei

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